Selected Journals and Conferences in HCI

This is a list of journals and conferences in human computer interaction. The list is neither complete nor does it endorse the veneues - we use it to discuss where to publish work, to reearch the audience we want. Last updated by Sven Mayer and Albrecht Schmidt at LMU January 2024.

Selected Journals and Magazines in HCI

Selected Conference-Related Journals in HCI

Selected Conferences and Workshops in HCI

CUI 2024 - Conversion User Interfaces, Chatbots, Interaction (Multi-User)

Abstracts and Metadata Due: Thursday, 15th February 2024

Human-Centered Software Engineering - 10th International Working Conference

Submission Deadline: Friday, February 16th, 2024

ISMAR 2024 - Mixed and Augmented Reality

Deadline: Unknown, but should be in mid-March